Saturday, October 27, 2012

Be still my heart

Throughout the week it's been absolutely surreal that we have a baby. He feels so different that having a newborn. He comes with so many more instructions and limitations...wires and machines. He just doesn't feel real sometimes. Then one day he began to wake up a bit more. For the first time we saw his eyes all the way open and he felt real! It felt like we had a baby and it was the most amazing feeling! He was awake and looking at us, taking the world in! And the best part is that we caught it on video.

It's quite long so I trimmed it alot...guess we just didn't want it to end. His eyes begin to drop, cross, and get all sorts of silly toward the end but the beginning of the video just melts my heart. Enjoy!


  1. As a nurse I have often been on the other end of where you are sitting and even with your detailed descriptions, thought, and emotions, I still can not come close to being able to empathize with you. I have all the sympathy in the world, but can not empathize. I can say that I have shed many tears reading about your family. You have reminded me to be even more appreciative of each moment with Karson, of every moment of life. Life is so fragile. So tonight as I laid Karson down to sleep, we took a moment to pray for your Mini Coop. Karson would love to meet this amazing little boy when he is strong enough! God Bless your family...even more!

    Love, Morgan, Karson, & Brad Massey

    1. It's so wonderful to hear from you and I too look forward to the day your sweet Karson can meet and play with our Cooper. :) Squeeze him tight and cherish every moment as I'm positive you already to. What a wonderful mommy your Karson has. Thanks so much for your prayers and love during this time. You're carrying us!
